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Bribery & Corruption

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US Government publishes advisory on African gold

Intended to highlight the opportunities and specific risks raised by the gold trade across sub-Saharan Africa and encourage industry participants to adopt and apply strengthened due diligence practices.

Global Integrity publishes report: ‘Corruption, Shell Companies, and Financial Secrecy: Providing an Evidence Base for Anti-Corruption Policy’

Research draws on big data analytics and global mapping to provide the most detailed evidence base to date for anti-corruption policy related to offshore financial secrecy and shell companies.

UNODC publishes World Drug Report 2023

Features a special chapter on drug trafficking and crimes that affect the environment in the Amazon Basin, as well as sections on clinical trials involving psychedelics and medical use of cannabis; drug use in humanitarian settings; innovations in drug treatment and other services; and drugs and conflict.

GRECO calls on European governments to ensure access to information to help fight corruption

Governments should guarantee the overall principle of transparency of public documents in practice. Any exception to the rule of public disclosure should be limited to a minimum and be thoroughly justified specifically when it comes to public procurement, public scrutiny…

GRECO issues Compliance reports on Czech Republic, dealing with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors

GRECO recommended (i) ensuring timely publication of records of parliamentary committee meetings and enhancing the transparency of the work conducted in subcommittee meetings; (ii) introducing rules for members of parliament on how to interact with…

SFO charges former CEO and CFO of London Mining Plc over allegations of bribery and corruption

SFO charged London Mining Plc Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer with conspiring to make multiple corrupt payments to secure preferential treatment in Sierra Leone. London Mining Plc had operations in Brazil, China, Colombia…

Basel Institute of Governance publishes working paper on strategic anti-corruption communications

The paper aims to connect a typology of anti-corruption messages with behavioural change theories, and discuss their impact. It suggests practical implications for designing anti-corruption communication as part of behaviour change interventions outlining how to develop…

SFO charges three company directors with fraud for forestry investment scheme in Costa Rica

The directors were charged with fraud in relation to a collapsed scheme where 3,500 UK investors lost millions of pounds. Ethical Forestry Ltd operated tree plantations in Costa Rica and sold investments, starting at £12,000, in fast-growing hardwood saplings on their sites…

GFI explores new developments in illegal mining in Colombia and the issue of illicit financial flows

Illegal gold mining has emerged as a profitable revenue source for organized crime groups and has become a major concern for authorities due to its social and environmental impacts. Due to the transnational nature of illicit gold trafficking and limited traceability, it has become…

GRECO publishes Fifth Evaluation Round Second Compliance Report on Estonia, which deals with preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments and law enforcement

GRECO recommended (i) that a Code of Conduct for persons with top executive functions be adopted in order to provide clear guidance regarding conflicts of interest and other integrity related matters (such as gifts, contacts with third parties, ancillary activities…

SEC charges Coinbase for operating as an unregistered securities exchange, broker, and clearing agency

Coinbase has made billions of dollars unlawfully facilitating the buying and selling of crypto asset securities. The SEC alleges that Coinbase intertwines the traditional services of an exchange, broker, and clearing agency without having registered any of those functions…

TI UK publishes report on Understanding Anti-Corruption Reporting

The report provides a comprehensive review of anti-corruption sustainability disclosures by 600 of the world’s largest companies across 15 jurisdictions, including the UK, revealing significant inconsistency in anti-bribery and corruption disclosure expectations…