Nadja Long


French Customs officer and lawyer, Nadja Long started working in a large French bank with an international footprint and later joined international and EU organisations such as UN-ICTY, Eurojust and, until July 2023, Europol.

At Europol, for 9 years, she specialised in combatting financial crimes and on anti-money laundering policy matters in the European Financial and Economic Crime Centre (EFECC) and was, amongst other tasks, in charge of the policy aspects of the latest EU AML/CFT legislative package and of developments in the field of restrictive measures/ sanctions. She supervised, as well, the Europol Financial Intelligence Public Private Partnership (EFIPPP).

Nadja is now working as Legal Officer in the European Space Agency and is responsible for Strategic Trade Compliance issues, including Export Control and Sanctions matters.





Nadja Long
Legal Officer ESA
previously Team Leader EFECC