John Elsmore Dodsworth


John is a Drivers Initiative Lead at WWF-UK, where he leads a team that addresses governance, legality and systems in key producer and consumer countries to address the triple challenge of biodiversity loss, climate change, and human wellbeing. John has an MBA from the University of Edinburgh Business School and 9 years of experience in conservation and development.
His expertise lies in developing and implementing effective strategies that tackle the drivers of deforestation and environmental crime, such as trade, commodity supply chains, and money laundering. He has worked with a diverse range of stakeholders, including governments, civil society, private sector, and international organizations, to promote sustainable land use practices and protect our planet’s forests. Some of the achievements John is most proud of include leading a programme of work on reducing illegal logging and poaching in the West Congo Basin, promoting sustainable palm oil production in Asia, and engaging with CITES and IMO to combat organized crime.





John Elsmore Dodsworth
Lead of Environmental Crime Drivers Initiative