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Danske Bank over ‘shortcomings’ on AML controls

Sweden’s financial regulator (FSA) has criticised Danske Bank over its AML failings related to suspicious transactions connected to the bank’s Estonian branch and has set the Danish institution a deadline to sort out its problems…

HSBC discovery of a ML network

HSBC discovered a suspected money laundering network that received $4.2bn (£3bn) worth of payments, it has emerged, raising questions over whether it disclosed the information to US monitors who at the time…

Swiss prosecutors drop Russian ML inquiry

The OAG said it was dropping its inquiry into whether Russian officials defrauded tax authorities and laundered the proceeds through Swiss banks, as alleged by businessman Bill Browder’s investment fund Hermitage Capital…

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on spyware

Revelations regarding the apparent widespread use of the Pegasus software to spy on journalists, human rights defenders, politicians and others in a variety of countries are extremely alarming

Organised crime crackdown

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Irish Anti-corruption bodies

More state bodies will be given power to eavesdrop on private conversations while investigating corruption and white-collar crime…

EPPO launched its operations

EPPO’s task is to better protect the EU’s financial interests by fighting cross-border VAT fraud, money laundering…

Cyprus anti-corruption bill

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China US sanctions

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