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IMF financial system stability assessment on the UK

The U.K. financial system is benefiting from a robust financial stability framework. The FSAP team has assessed capital and liquidity levels at core banks and insurers as strong—even under some severely adverse scenarios, including the re-emergence of the pandemic…

Europol arrest in Germany in theft of vehicles 

A coordinated strike between the German Police, the Austrian Criminal Police Office and the Bosnian Ministry of Interior Affairs under the coordination of Europol, has led to the dismantlement of a gang of car thieves operating across Germany…

UNODC on terrorism threats in Eastern & Southern Africa

Increasing activity by armed groups in Southern and Eastern Africa brings new and growing threats to the region of terrorism, terrorism financing and violent extremism. Some of the groups have pledged allegiance to Islamic State, which makes them…

GFI comments to FinCEN on AML Regulations for the Real Estate

GFI submitted a comment on regulations proposed by the FinCEN which would create effective solutions to address vulnerabilities of the U.S. real estate market to money laundering and other illicit activity. The avalanche of high-profile cases over the last several years have…

Home Office Policy paper on terrorism acts in 2019

The threat to the UK was driven by a number of factors which affect terrorist intent and capability, with a number of suppressive factors affecting the threat at the time. In 2019, these included domestic and international counter-terrorism efforts such as the coalition…

EBA investigation on the 2020 Luanda Leaks

The EBA found that competent authorities’ approaches to identifying and tackling ML/TF risks highlighted by the 2020 Luanda Leaks differed significantly across NCAs and varied beyond what the EBA would have expected under a risk-based approach…

House of Commons Library on economic crime

The precise scale of economic crime in the UK is unknown, but it could run to tens or hundreds of billions of pounds per year. The extent of these crimes include money laundering, fraud and corruption…

OCCRP analysis of leaked records on Credit Suisse accounts

Despite two decades of pledges by Credit Suisse to crack down on illegitimate funds, data leaked from the bank reveals that it catered to dozens of criminals, dictators, intelligence officials, sanctioned parties and political actors with outsized wealth…


UK Govt abolishes Golden Visas – Tier 1 Investor Visa

The Home Secretary has taken decisive action to shut the Tier 1 Investor visa route to all new applicants from all nationalities with immediate effect. The route had allowed entry and stay in the UK if an applicant invested funds in share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK…

FSB warns of crypto threat to financial stability

The report examines developments and associated vulnerabilities relating to three segments of crypto-asset markets: unbacked crypto-assets (such as bitcoin); stablecoins; and decentralised finance (DeFi) and crypto-asset trading platforms…

White House EO on protecting Da Afghanistan Bank

President Biden signed a new Executive Order on Protecting Certain Property of Da Afghanistan Bank for the Benefit of the People of Afghanistan.  Under the new EO, President Biden declares a national emergency to address the threat to US national security caused…

SEC modernisation of beneficial ownership reporting

The proposed amendments would modernize the filing deadlines for initial and amended beneficial ownership reports filed on Schedules 13D and 13G. It also would deem holders of certain cash-settled derivative securities as beneficial owners of the reference equity securities…