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NED Global Insights on reputation laundering

Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has forced democracies to reexamine how their own institutions have been used by kleptocratic regimes and oligarchs seeking to launder and protect their illicit gains. While much of the focus on combating transnational kleptocracy…

Egmont Group issues statement on the situation in Ukraine

Egmont Group aligns its position with the FATF’s Public Statement on the Situation in Ukraine and urges FIUs to remain vigilant and continue information exchanges to assess and mitigate any emerging ML/TF/PF risks, fostering relations based on mutual trust…

GRECO Compliance Report of 4th Evaluation Round on Luxembourg

GRECO had recommended that i) as intended with the current draft Code of Conduct, a set of ethical rules and standards be adopted with the aim of preventing corruption and safeguarding integrity in general; ii) these rules be supplemented by an implementing…

UK ML/TF (High-Risk Countries) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (No. 393)

On the new list, Zimbabwe is no longer classed as a high-risk third country for the purposes of enhanced customer due diligence requirements in regulation 33(3). United Arab Emirates is now classed as a high-risk third country…

HMT approves JMLSG final guidance on trade finance

HMT approves revisions of JMLSG Guidance relating to monitoring customer activity and correspondent relationships including revisions to its guidance relating to trade finance and syndicated lending…

Europol on Operation LUDUS I: targeting counterfeit & illicit toys

Europol details the outcomes of Operation LUDUS I, the first international law enforcement operation ever led against counterfeit toys. Monitoring criminal trends and emerging counterfeiting threats is key to this work and allows for targeted law enforcement actions…

House of Commons briefing on Economic Crime Act 2022 

The Act introduces a beneficial ownership register of Overseas Entities owning UK property, and to reform the UK Unexplained Wealth Order and Sanctions regimes. It was introduced in the House of Commons as part…

FCA Notice to regulated firms with exposure to cryptoassets

The FCA is reminding all regulated firms of their existing obligations when they are interacting with or exposed to cryptoassets. They present risks to market integrity and consumers, particularly when used as a speculative investment…

UNODC draft proposals relating to illicit drugs

UNODC publishes draft proposals relating to illicit drugs, e.g, Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, taking into account measures to protect the environment, Strengthening international cooperation in preventing…

EBA assessment of competent authorities’ approaches to AML/CFT supervision of banks

EBA finds that AML and countering the financing of terrorism supervision is improving but not always effective yet. Significant challenges remain in important areas such as the identification and assessment of ML/TF risks…


FATF report on ML/TF arising from migrant smuggling

FATF analyses the ML/ TF risks associated with migrant smuggling. While there has been an increase in migrant smuggling, many countries do not consider it a high-risk crime for ML and the financial flows…

OECD on Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework

OECD released a public consultation document concerning a new global tax transparency framework to provide for the reporting and exchange of information with respect to crypto-assets, as well as proposed amendments to the CRS for the automatic exchange…