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FCA forms group to develop ESG Code of Conduct

The FCA announced that it is introducing regulatory oversight of certain ESG data and ratings providers in the form of a voluntary Code of Conduct. These include transparency, good governance, management of conflicts of interest, and systems and controls…

GRECO 2nd Interim Compliance Report of 4th Evaluation Round on Germany

GRECO has made public its 4th Evaluation Round 2nd Interim Compliance Report on Germany, which deals with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors. This report was adopted by GRECO at its 91st Plenary Meeting…

European Court of Justice puts a stop to a publicly accessible UBO-register

The European Court of Justice rendered its judgement on the compatibility of public access to UBO-information with the fundamental right to protection of private life and the right to protection of personal data. This judgement was issued in response to preliminary questions…

FIAU Malta unveils its strategy to target financial crime

The FIAU is aiming to introduce automation measures to speed up certain processes, including the review of STRs. Its priorities include strengthening its risk monitoring system so that the unit is up-to-date on how business sectors…

FATF updates consolidated assessment ratings

The table provides an up-to-date overview of the ratings that assessed countries obtained for effectiveness and technical compliance which should be read in conjunction with the detailed mutual evaluation reports. FATF and FSRBs conduct peer reviews…

EC public consultation on tackling the role of enablers

As part of the consultation, the EC sought feedback on 3 proposed measures: 1) prohibiting enablers from creating or facilitating tax evasion and aggressive tax planning, and requiring enablers to carry out due diligence checks; 2) the requirements as per the first measure…

FINTRAC on Large Cash Transaction Reporting

FINTRAC publishes updated resource documents to help reporting entities prepare for changes to the Large Cash Transaction Report form. It has made minor updates to the draft documents listed on this page to further streamline the new LCTR form, validation rules…

AUSTRAC joins Pacific partners to combat financial crime & ML across the region

AUSTRAC has partnered with Papua New Guinea’s financial intelligence agency to host a conference of the Pacific Financial Intelligence Community (PFIC), bringing together financial intelligence agencies from across the region conference…

ESAs launch joint Call for Evidence on greenwashing

EBA, EIOPA and ESMA published a Call for Evidence on greenwashing to gather input from stakeholders on how to understand the key features, drivers and risks associated with greenwashing and to collect examples of potential greenwashing practices. Due to the growing demand for sustainability-related products…

GFI analyzes crypto threats in five Latin American countries

GFI analyzes the benefits and risks of crypto, the changing crypto environment in the region, and the responses from governments, the private sector, academia and civil society. This report is not focused on the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, but rather on the financial
crime risks…

HMT issues advisory note on ML/TF controls in high-risk third countries

The advisory note contains advice issued by HMT about risks posed by jurisdictions with unsatisfactory ML/TF controls. It sets out which jurisdictions will be included in forthcoming amendment to Schedule 3ZA of the MLR. This list replicates those countries listed by the FATF as high risk, or under increased monitoring…

Egmont Group publishes Annual report 2020/2021

This report covers EG activities between July 2020 and July 2021, including: work completed, Results from the 2021 Egmont Biennial Census, Working Group developments, Activities of the Egmont Centre of FIU Excellence & Leadership (ECOFEL), Regional Group developments, strategic initiatives in action…