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MAS announces first Singaporean Presidency of FATF

At the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Plenary that ended on 4 March 2022, the Plenary officially selected Mr. T. Raja Kumar as its next President, to replace Dr. Marcus Pleyer. Mr. Raja will assume office on 1 July 2022 for a fixed two-year term…

Ghana: Recover Proceeds From Economic Crime

Ghana creates new economic crime board in the hope of recovering proceeds of crime. The Board is expected to formulate policies necessary for the EOCO to be able to prevent and detect organised crime as well as to facilitate the confiscation of the proceeds of crime…

AUSTRAC proceedings in Federal Court against Crown

AUSTRAC will commence civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court against Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth for alleged serious and systemic non-compliance with Australia’s (AML/CTF) laws..

Bermuda inclusion on the EU ‘greylist’

Bermuda has already fulfilled all the commitments related to the required exchanges of information recommended by the OECD for Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP) and looks forward to the OECD…

IMF Warns Nigeria’s CBDC Poses ML Risks

IMF said using the eNaira for cross-border payments carries the risk of financing terrorism and money laundering. While eNaira could help foster financial inclusion and improve the delivery of social assistance, close monitoring of associated risks will be important…

MAS on embracing technology and innovation in Compliance and Risk Management

Mas is collecting much more data – the foundation of any decision making, because of improving technologies, changing business needs, to satisfy regulatory requirements and to enhance risk management capabilities in our institutions. The financial system today is safer, simpler…

FATF public statement on the situation in Afghanistan

The FATF reiterates the upmost importance of ensuring non-profit organisations (NPOs) and all other humanitarian actors can provide the vital humanitarian assistance needed in the region and elsewhere, without delay, disruption or discouragement…

GRECO 4th Evaluation compliance report on Monaco

GRECO welcomes the introduction of the new National Council Rules of procedure and their accompanying implementing measures, which should strengthen considerably the transparency of the legislative process and the visibility of parliamentarians’ activities…

FATF follow-up report on the Evaluation of China

The report summarises China’s progress to improve its technical compliance by addressing some of the technical compliance deficiencies identified in the MER, and Implementing new requirements where the FATF Recommendations have changed since China’s 1st enhanced…

ESAAMLG Evaluation Report South Africa on 2021

Public sector corruption represents a major weakness in the AML/CFT system, with the key LEAs being the most impacted over the past decade. The RBA and many key preventive requirements were introduced in the legal framework only recently…

GRECO 5th Round Compliance Report on Slovenia

GRECO recommended that the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption be provided with adequate financial and personnel resources to effectively perform its tasks with respect to persons entrusted with top executive functions, in particular in the areas of asset declarations…

MAS on the FI-FI information sharing platform for AML/CFT 

MAS proposes to introduce a legislative framework and to develop a secure digital platform for FIs to share information with each other. Such information would include information relating to, or particulars of, a customer5 (e.g. the beneficial owners and authorised…