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GIABA publishes fourth enhanced follow-up report on Burkina Faso

The country has been upgraded on 3 recommendations, but remains non-compliant or partially compliant on 12 and enhanced follow up regime will continue.

GIABA publishes report on Mutual Evaluation of Liberia

Liberia has a good understanding of its ML risks and a fairly good understanding of its TF risks. Cooperation and coordination at the policy level is among the country’s strengths. LEAs are poorly resourced and lack training and have difficulty in identifying ML resulting from predicate offences.

GIABA publishes follow-up report on Benin

Benin has made significant progress in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER and is re-rated on Recommendations 6 and 7 from Partially Compliant to Largely Compliant.

APG Mutual Evaluation of AML/CFT in Laos

Identifies significant gaps in the assessment and understanding of national and sectoral ML/TF risks in casinos, real estate, banks, transnational organised crime, corruption, environmental crime and human trafficking, etc, as well as
cross-border risks.

CFATF conducts Mutual Evaluation of Dominica

Recommends a more comprehensive assessment of TF risk, cross-border financial flows, legal persons, non-profit organisations (NPOs), virtual asset service providers (VASPs) and the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme

OSFI-Canada launches consultation on regulatory capital and liquidity treatment of crypto-asset exposures

OSFI announced two draft guidelines, one for federally regulated deposit-taking institutions and another for insurers, on the regulatory capital treatment of crypto-asset exposures.

EAG conducts Mutual Evaluation of Turkmenistan

The report analyses Turkmenistan’s AML/CFT system for compliance with the 40 FATF Recommendations and assesses its effectiveness. The report also contains recommendations for strengthening the existing AML/CFT regime.

EAG conducts Mutual Evaluation of Kazakhstan

The report analyses Kazakhstan’s AML/CFT system for compliance with the 40 FATF Recommendations and assesses its effectiveness. The report also contains recommendations for strengthening the existing AML/CFT regime.

EAG publishes first enhanced follow-up report following the mutual evaluation of Uzbekistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan has demonstrated considerable progress in addressing the TC deficiencies identified in the MER and will be moved from enhanced to regular follow-up.

FATF publishes follow-up report on AML/CFT in Turkey

Türkiye has taken positive steps towards improving its AML/CFT regime and, as a result, the country has been re-rated on six recommendations.

MENAFATF publishes Mutual Evaluation of Algeria

Notes some strengths in the AML framework, although weaknesses remain with respect to insurance, brokerage and DNFBPs, while TF risks and threats from people smuggling are not well understood.

GABAC publishes Mutual Evaluation of Gabon

The evaluation is based on an on-site visit to the country in April 2022, which found a low level of understanding of ML and TF risks.