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European Court of Justice puts a stop to a publicly accessible UBO-register

The European Court of Justice rendered its judgement on the compatibility of public access to UBO-information with the fundamental right to protection of private life and the right to protection of personal data. This judgement was issued in response to preliminary questions…

FIAU Malta unveils its strategy to target financial crime

The FIAU is aiming to introduce automation measures to speed up certain processes, including the review of STRs. Its priorities include strengthening its risk monitoring system so that the unit is up-to-date on how business sectors…

EC public consultation on tackling the role of enablers

As part of the consultation, the EC sought feedback on 3 proposed measures: 1) prohibiting enablers from creating or facilitating tax evasion and aggressive tax planning, and requiring enablers to carry out due diligence checks; 2) the requirements as per the first measure…

ESAs launch joint Call for Evidence on greenwashing

EBA, EIOPA and ESMA published a Call for Evidence on greenwashing to gather input from stakeholders on how to understand the key features, drivers and risks associated with greenwashing and to collect examples of potential greenwashing practices. Due to the growing demand for sustainability-related products…

Europol law enforcement report on policing in the metaverse

Europol issues report for law enforcement on policing in the metaverse which aims to help police chiefs, law enforcement agencies and policy makers to begin to grasp this new environment so that they can adapt and prepare for policing in the metaverse…

MONEYVAL Mutual Evaluation Report on Germany

Germany has made significant improvements to its AML/CFT framework over the past five years, including using the National Risk
Assessment (NRA) process to develop a stronger national understanding of money laundering/terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks…

ECB on use of AI to fight financial crime conference

While the digitalisation of banks’ value chains may create challenges for their know-your-customer obligations, machine learning solutions are already helping banks to become more efficient when conducting customer due diligence, identifying ultimate beneficial owners…

Belgium consults on digital assets classification

The FSMA provides clarity about when crypto-assets may be considered to be securities, investment instruments or financial instruments and may therefore fall within the scope of the prospectus legislation and/or the MiFID conduct of business rules…

EP on the scope of ML powers entrusted to EBA

European Parliament proposes to broaden the scope of ML powers entrusted to the European Banking Authority. The objectives are to maintain financial stability in the EU and to guarantee the integrity, efficiency and effective functioning of the banking sector…

EU on the transparency of crypto asset transfers

EU reaches provisional agreement on transparency of crypto asset transfers. The aim is to introduce an obligation for crypto asset service providers to collect and make accessible certain information about the originator and the beneficiary of the transfers of crypto assets…

GRECO 3rd Interim Compliance Report on Turkey

GRECO recommended that the transparency of the legislative process be enhanced by (i) further developing the rules on public consultations in respect of civil society groups and citizens; and (ii) ensuring that draft legislation is presented in a reasonable format…

Germany to stop property deals in cash to fight ML

Germany is preparing legislation to prohibit cash transactions in the real-estate market to step up efforts to fight ML and other financial crimes.