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Bribery & Corruption

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GFI on US Private Investment and Public Harm

The report describes several cases emblematic of the national security and corruption risks posed by the private investment industry. Russian and Chinese interests have sought sensitive U.S. technology through private investment vehicles. The opaque nature of private equity…

HMRC issues briefing on their approach to tax fraud 

HMRC have issued a briefing explaining how they use a range of powers to tackle tax fraud – including building checks and controls into systems, changing legislation to make it more difficult or impossible to commit tax fraud and working with businesses to help them spot…

White House national plan to combat human trafficking

This updated National Action Plan reflects priority effort to end human trafficking and forced labor in global supply chains. COVID-19 made clear the need to secure our supply chains and make them more transparent and accountable, so that we can ensure uninterrupted…

FATF report on Turkey’s AML/CFT regime 

As per the report, Turkey still needs to fully implement its RBA focusing on preventing TF abuse, conduct further outreach and training as planned and work with NPOs to develop best practices on preventing TF abuse…



IDB debars Belgium engineering company for fraud and corruption

According to the IDB, Tractebel failed to disclose fees paid to agents and misrepresented the availability of an individual designated as “key personnel.” A Tractebel subcontractor also offered paid positions to former colleagues who were government officials.

Gambling Commission releases strategy for the next three years

The strategy reflects changes in the way people are gambling, with a particular shift to online gambling. The Commission said changes in consumer behaviour and emerging technology created new risks and opportunities for regulation to keep pace with…

House of Commons Library publishes research on economic crime

Economic crime costs the UK billions of pounds per year. This briefing discusses the UK Government’s efforts to tackle it, including its 2019-2022 Economic Crime Plan…

GRECO Compliance Report on Denmark

GRECO has published its Compliance Report on Denmark (dealing with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors), as adopted by GRECO at its 88th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 20-22 September 2021)…

GRECO Fifth Round Compliance Report on Sweden

GRECO recommended developing and implementing a strategy, based on a risk analysis, to promote integrity and improve the prevention and management of conflicts of interest and corruption among persons entrusted with top executive functions…

Three Swiss subsidiaries of the oil-related group SBM Offshore convicted of corruption offences

These three companies failed to take all the reasonable organisational measures required to prevent the bribery, of foreign public officials in Angola, Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria. They were ordered to pay an amount of over CHF 7 million, including a fine of CHF 4.2 million.

Basel GI-ACE research on informal networks and corruption

The six case studies form part of a research project entitled Harnessing informality: Designing anti-corruption network interventions and strategic use of legal instruments” funded by UK Aid as part of the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence Programme (GI-ACE)…

NCA issues latest edition of SARs In Action Issue 13

In this issue the NCA takes a look at the illegal trade in wildlife, focusing on a specific piece of analysis of SARs data conducted by the UKFIU on this crime.  Following the increased volume of SARs reporting from the cryptocurrency sector, we hear from the UKFIU’s…