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NBER Working Paper Series: Researchers formulate approach for measuring corruption in China

Paper is titled: “Secrets in asset purchases: estimating the unofficial incomes of officials”

Mexico’s oil firm resumes trading with vitol after 2020 bribery scandal

Mexico’s state-held oil giant Pemex has resumed trade with Vitol Group three years after the world’s largest oil trading firm admitted to bribing officials and two years after Mexico banned the trader from business dealings with Pemex, anonymous sources familiar…

Executive Charged in International Oil and Gas Trading Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

A federal grand jury in the District of Connecticut returned a superseding indictment charging a Connecticut-based oil and gas trader for his role in an alleged scheme to pay bribes to Brazilian officials to win contracts with Brazil’s state-owned and state-controlled energy company…

GFI publishes report on Financial Fraud in the Caribbean

This report focuses on the different frauds and scams that impact the Caribbean region, primarily advance fee frauds along with pyramid and Ponzi schemes. Other types of fraud, such as check fraud, credit card fraud, insurance fraud, government benefit…

US DoJ announces repatriation of over $20m in assets stolen by former Nigerian dictator 

The US DoJ has transferred over $20.6 million to the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Nigeria) in accordance with an Aug. 23 agreement between the governments to repatriate assets the US forfeited that were traceable to the kleptocracy of former Nigerian Dictator General Sani Abacha and his co-conspirators…

FinCEN/BIS joint alert on Russian & Belarusian export control

FinCEN/BIS is urging FIs to be vigilant against efforts to evade BIS export controls implemented in connection with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. By identifying and reporting suspicious activity indicative of such behavior, FIs contribute to U.S. and international efforts…

FATF removes Malta from grey list and adds Gibraltar

FATF congratulated Malta for the significant progress it has made in addressing the strategic AML/CFT deficiencies previously identified by the FATF and included in its action plan. Malta will no longer be subject to the FATF’s increased monitoring process….

IMF conference on fight against corruption

The IMF is dedicating resources to capacity building in anti-corruption and rule of law. Training programs include anticorruption legal and organizational frameworks, establishing functional systems for asset declarations, addressing conflict of interest, and enhancing judicial…

TI on Bhutan Anti-Corruption Commission

TI conducts second assessment of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Bhutan to measure progress since the pilot assessment in 2015. The Report  serves as a guide for both the Anti-Corruption Commission and other interested parties to strengthen and expand the impact…

TI New Zealand report on corruption & ML

TI New Zealand report on corruption and ML in the pacific region. Corruption in AML institutions, e.g., in financial regulators and policy
makers, may hinder the actual implementation and enforcement of AML laws…

SEC Charges Stericycle with Bribery Schemes in Latin America

The SEC’s order finds that Stericycle, a leading provider of medical waste and other services in 16 countries worldwide, paid millions of dollars in bribes to obtain and maintain business from government customers in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina from at least 2012 to 2016…

Afrobarometer on level of trust and corruption

Afrobarometer examines levels of trust and tolerance in African countries and how these impact corruption. Analysts study social bonds and social divisions precisely because they believe that societies that are more cohesive, i.e. that have stronger, more positive relationships…