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TI on linkages between gender and corruption

This analysis reveals that deeply ingrained discriminatory and gender-based factors impede women’s ability to report corruption, and seek and obtain redress. Due to their social roles, childcare and housework responsibilities, as well as gendered income inequalities, women lack…

OECD on corruption in infrastructure

The OECD will develop an Infrastructure Anti-corruption Toolbox (I ACT) which will build the capacity of stakeholders to implement
effective anti-corruption systems based on international standards. Corruption and a lack of trust threaten to reduce the benefits of…

OECD on illicit financial flows in oil & gas commodity trade 

Oil trade activities constitute the most significant source of domestic resource mobilisation for oil producing developing countries. Yet, corruption and illicit financial flows (IFFs) also expose them to macro-critical risks of economic instability, exacerbating their often-high…

Basel Institute on corruption

Basel Institute publishes research on revealing the networks behind corruption and ML schemes, using the Toledo–Odebrecht case…

IMF working paper on sentiment-enhanced CPI

This paper constructs a new non-survey based perceptions index for 111 countries by applying sentiment analysis to Financial Times articles over 2005–18…

ISO 37002 – Whistleblowing management systems

ISO issues guidance on standard  37002, which relates to whistleblowing management systems – to organizations for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving a whistleblowing management system…

FATF on Digital transformation

FATF summarises the digital transformation of ML/TF activities. This project aims to increase awareness of and identify opportunities to…

OECD on anti-corruption & human rights agendas

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