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EU on the fight against VAT fraud

The EU Council authorised the opening of negotiations with Norway to strengthen the agreement between the EU and Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of value added tax (VAT) claims…

GRECO on transparency and accountability of lobbying

European governments should increase transparency and accountability around lobbying to ensure that members of the public know which actors are seeking to influence political decisions so that the risk of corrupt practices can be reduced…

EPPO on Fraud concerning EU funds

After unjustly obtaining the funds, the beneficiary is suspected of transferring them in order to conceal their illicit origin, and to hide the fraud. The fraud scheme had a cross-border dimension because the beneficiary used, through intermediaries, companies based in Spain…

Council of Europe e-course: “Introduction to corruption prevention”

The course aims to support the understanding of preventive tools for a greater awareness of the integrity standards that apply to public officials. It puts in the spotlight ethical dilemmas and challenges in implementing anti-corruption measures…

TI on governance frameworks of five eco-finance funds

This report assesses four areas of governance: integrity, accountability, transparency and methods for assessing policy effectiveness. It also appraises the funds’ requirements for their implementing entities (IEs) in these areas…

TI on experience from 18 integrity pacts in the EU

The impact of integrity pacts was apparent in enhanced transparency and accountability, stronger competition and fairness, better value for money, citizen engagement and even long-term institutional change…

OCCRP launches a Russian asset tracker

OCCRP started with a list of names of people who “actively participate in the oppression and corruption of Putin’s regime” drawn up by the Anti-Corruption Foundation. It will be expanding it soon to include other Russians sanctioned…

Interpol Financial Crime & Anti-Corruption Centre

Interpol new crime centre will expand and streamline the world police body’s existing initiatives in tackling financial crimes, illicit money flows and asset recovery by centralizing the international response to transnational financial crime and corruption…

EU proposes to amend EU Directive on crypto-assets

Crypto-assets are digital representations of value or rights that have the potential to bring significant benefits to both market participants and consumers. By streamlining capital-raising processes and enhancing competition, issuances of crypto-assets can allow for a cheaper…

GRECO Compliance Report on Denmark

GRECO has published its Compliance Report on Denmark (dealing with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors), as adopted by GRECO at its 88th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 20-22 September 2021)…

GRECO Fifth Round Compliance Report on Sweden

GRECO recommended developing and implementing a strategy, based on a risk analysis, to promote integrity and improve the prevention and management of conflicts of interest and corruption among persons entrusted with top executive functions…

Three Swiss subsidiaries of the oil-related group SBM Offshore convicted of corruption offences

These three companies failed to take all the reasonable organisational measures required to prevent the bribery, of foreign public officials in Angola, Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria. They were ordered to pay an amount of over CHF 7 million, including a fine of CHF 4.2 million.