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FATF President, Elisa de Anda Madrazo of Mexico, highlights FATF’s inclusive approach at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting in Brazil, July 2024

It was highlighted that FAFTF is developing guidance on how to be effective in combatting illicit finance from a low-capacity country context and dimension. Changes have been made how to prioritse countries for increased scrutiny to reduce the pressure on less developed countries…

UN Sanctions List last updated

MAS proposes measure to in relation to cross-border money transfer services to China

Singaporean regulator has reviewed the suspension and proposes to continue to suspend the use of non-specified/not explicitly permitted remittance providers serving China.

SPF announces transnational ML syndicate has been dismantled through a joint operation by the Singapore Police Force and Interpol

The Singapore Police Force in collaboration with the Hong Kong Police Force and INTERPOL, has successfully dismantled a transnational ML syndicate linked to scams in Hong Kong and Technical Support Scams in Singapore. Singapore received 185 reports of these scams, resulting in losses of at least SGD 17.9 million. Victims were deceived by fraudulent pop-ups claiming malware infections and were tricked into granting scammers remote access…

FINTRAC updates its guidance on how to report suspected sanctions evasion in a Suspicious Transaction Report

This guidance explains the requirement to report suspicious transactions to FINTRAC…

European Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) comes into force

The AI Act is designed to ensure that AI developed and used in the EU is trustworthy, with safeguards to protect people’s fundamental rights. The regulation aims to establish a harmonised internal market for AI in the EU, encouraging the uptake of this technology and creating a supportive environment for innovation and investment.

Cabinet Office publishes work programme and fees for the National Fraud Initiative 2024 to 2025

This document sets out the confirmed work programme and associated scale of fees for the NFI 2024/25 data matching exercise for mandatory participants of the NFI.

ESAAMLG reports on Kenya’s progress following on from the 2022 Mutual Evaluation Report

Among 15 re-ratings, 11 bring Kenya to being considered compliant with the recommendations of the original MER.

ESAAMLG publishes report on the Mutual Evaluation of Rwanda

Report summarises the AML/CFT measures in place in the Republic of Rwanda as at the date of the on-site visit conducted from 26th June to 7th July 2023.

ESAAMLG re-rates Zimbabwe on one Recommendation from the 2016 Mutual Evaluation in 10th enhanced follow-up report

Zimbabwe is upgraded to largely compliant with respect to Recommendation 7, which covers targeted financial sanctions related to proliferation.

ESAAMLG re-rates Namibia on 13 Recommendations in its second enhanced follow-up report to the 2022 Mutual Evaluation

Re-ratings cover several areas of AML/CFT, including the criminalisation of TF, abuse of the NPO sector, PEPs, new technologies, and beneficial ownership.

NCA has released its 2024 annual assessment of serious and organised crime, issuing a stark warning that drug use is now more dangerous than ever

The assessment draws on intelligence from across law enforcement, government, the third sector and private industry, highlights that whilst overall crime has fallen in the UK over the last decade, the scale and harm of serious and organised crime has increased. Latest data pinpoints increases in the threat from child sexual abuse, cybercrime and money laundering, as well as drugs…