EC removes the Bahamas from AML blacklist

The Bahamas was removed from the European Commission’s List of Third-country Jurisdictions which have strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT Regimes (AML Blacklist). This decision was finalized after The Bahamas was assessed under…

European Commission consults on the digital Euro

For a digital euro to be used as the single currency, concurrently with euro banknotes and coins, it would require a Regulation of the co-legislator, upon a proposal by the Commission, on the basis of Article 133 TFUE…

EC sets up New “Freeze & Seize’ Task Force

The European Commission’s ‘Freeze and Seize’ Task Force, set up to ensure EU-level coordination to implement sanctions against listed Russian and Belarussian oligarchs, has now stepped up its action at international level…

EBA’s feedback to EC proposals on preventing ML/TF

The EBF maintains that it is key to develop an intelligence-led approach to effectively mitigate money laundering risks and detect financial crime. However, the package does not address some fundamental dimensions of information…