Willem Schudel


Willem is Head of Financial Crime (AML/CFT) Supervision at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). In this role he is responsible for three units focusing on external cooperation and supervisory strategy implementation, supervisory data, risk modeling and reporting, and supervisory methodology and quality assurance. Before this, Willem worked in banking supervision for over five years, heading DNB’s on-site inspections department focusing on business model and internal governance risk and spending two years leading on-site inspection teams at various large banks in different European countries as a seconded national expert (head of mission) at the European Central Bank (ECB). Willem joined DNB in 2014 as a policy advisor focusing on supervisory strategy after having spent three years at the ECB working on external relations and financial stability. He started his career as Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam, having graduated from the University of Groningen (BA) and the University of Essex (MA, PhD) in the same field of study.





Willem Schudel
Head of Financial Crime (AML/CFT) Supervision